Thursday, April 30, 2009

end of post-bac 2008

this is what i was working on when i was finished with post-bac. i was welding steel to create armatures, and then using fibers techniques to create these sort of creatures. i also learned how to cast aluminum, which was pretty cool.

fibers show

final show for my accumulation & metaphor fibers class with susie brandt in fall 2007. located in the lobby of the brown center. i showed my daily 'chronicle' piece, which consisted of transcribed conversations i had with my parents every night for a month, plus corresponding sketches based on what i heard during those conversations. the viewer could listen to a recording of my voice reading the transcriptions and then draw what they heard on paper provided, which i then made into a book.

show at the abandoned lot on calvert street

final expanded sculptural format project. my idea was to make a sort of wishing well. i bet all my change was gone within 10 minutes of us leaving. materials are acrylic yarns, coins, rocks

middendorf show III

third and final revision. i think this was the most successful revision.

middendorf show II

second revision.

middendorf show I cont.

middendorf show I

this was my first installation of this piece. the little balls are made from chestnuts or pine cones wrapped in steel wool which was then wrapped in gold or silver lamé. we revised our pieces three times in this show.

expanded sculptural format

i took a class called expanded sculptural format with sarah doherty in spring 2008 and we did mainly site specific projects. the first is one in the middendorf gallery in MICA's station building.

installation view



2007, fabric, acrylic yarns, poly-fill

donna's p-eater & tear-bear's scratching host

2007, acrylic & wool yarns, chicken wire, mop heads, hand dyed sheep's wool, ostrich egg, chicken eggs, found fabrics, sand, latex paint; detail included

siamese dream

2007, acrylic & wool yarns, chicken wire, hand dyed sheep's wool, latex paint


2007, acrylic & wool yarns, acorns, latex paint

5 wraps

2007, fabrics, acrylic & wool yarns, chicken wire 

boulder sacs

2007, found fabrics, polyester mesh, acrylic & wool yarns


2007, latex paint, found fabrics, cheesecloth, wooden rod, plaster


2007, steel wool, faux bell cups, hand dyed sheep's wool, handmade clay beads, faux pearls; detail included.

beautiful parasite

2007, felted steel wool, hand dyed sheep's wool, handmade clay beads, wire, faux pearls; detail included.


2007, acrylic & wool yarns, found fabrics, quail eggs, acorns, chicken wire; detail below


2007, satin, felted sheep's wool, acrylic & wool yarns, chicken wire

post-baccalaureate program work at MICA 2007-2008

i'm going to post my portfolio from my year of post-bac at MICA. i knitted a lot, and thus had no social life. this first photo is an installation view of my pieces.


my mother hates blogs, and i sort of do too. but i feel like i need an outlet to display my work online, so here it is...voilà!