Monday, July 27, 2009


I did this installation in my studio at VSC over the weekend and I'm not as happy with it as I thought I'd be--the drawing I made of the plans is a lot more successful I think. I used oil pastel on the wall and the tubular objects are made of laminated wood and then painted and drawn on with oil pastel. I had a crit with renowned sculptor Willie Cole and he suggested that the net/tent be made of an actual material and not just be a drawing, but the whole point of me doing this was to have the drawing interact with an actual 3-d object. I'm sure I'll revise this piece eventually.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

new drawing

this drawing is 9 ft x 17 inches. the positioning of the deck on the paper corresponds to how the paper should be positioned on the wall, so it looks as though the deck is living in that corner. this is a new direction i'm taking with a series of large drawings. i placed the older drawing up against a corner in my studio so as to create the same effect.


Some shots of my studio after i cleaned it for open studios and a crit with sculptor barbara galluci. people responded really well to my work during open studios, which is very motivating!
of course my studio no longer looks this clean but thats okay!

Models and paintings

here's an updated look at the models, the see-saw one is new and needs to be painted. barbara galluci suggested in her studio visit with me that i continue to work at this scale--not sure how i feel about that yet. some new paintings below, too.

Monday, July 13, 2009

more and more paintings

17.5 x 69 inches

12 x 9.5 inches

9.5 x 11 inches

6 x 14 inches
10 x 11 inches

more paintings

19 x 8.5 inches; will probably paint over this one

10 x 12 inches

10 x 14 inches

22 x 15.5 inches

14.5 x 5.5 inches

Saturday, July 11, 2009


These images are kind of crappy, but I've been doing some paintings with latex house paint, oil pastel/stick, and colored pencil.
19x13 inches

15x38 inches

8.5x15.5 inches

22.5x30 inches

Making models

I've been making some models here of future projects i'd like to make, and since there's only so much room in my car for the ride back to Baltimore, these models are the next best thing and are helping me to plan ahead. I've been having a recurring dream where i am driving down a ramp onto some sort of highway and i can't help but partly collide with this enormous, purple billboard. I want to make this enormous billboard eventually, but for now there's just a rudimentary model. I want to transform one of my drawings into 3-d, so that's where the green model comes in. I would like it to be about 7 or 8 ft tall instead of 6 inches.


welded steel, measures 6 ft x 3 ft x 7 ft- the dimensions of a standard grave

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day II at VSC

drawing on wall and floor, painted wood, 6x7 ft